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Flat Two-Tone Lipstick: the full scoop on Avon’s new ombré lip

Curious about Avon’s new two-tone lipstick? I don’t blame you! This innovation is not something you see everyday – although as an Avon rep I could honestly see this day coming.

When Avon released the VDL Tint Bar Triple Shot product back in May, I was excited for more U.S. folks to be exposed to Korea’s hot “gradient lip” trend. However, when I saw was that the VDL product was a lip balm (not a lipstick, gloss, or stain), my first thought was: “Hmmm, that looks great and all, but my customers are DEFINITELY gonna want something like this that has more full coverage than a balm”.

Well friends, that full coverage product is here! Without further ado, let’s take a look at all the details of the new Flat Two-Tone Lipstick, brought to you by Avon x The Face Shop.

What is the Flat Two-Tone Lipstick?

The Avon x The Face Shop Flat Two-Tone Lipstick is a new ombré lipstick product by Avon launching on Sept 16, 2020.

An extension of our popular Flat Velvet Lipstick line, this two-tone lipstick provides a gorgeous dual color look with a lasting, shiny gloss finish.

6 tubes of Flat Two-Tone Lipsticks arranged in a huddle, against a light pink background

Advertised benefits include:

➤ Unique flat square shape for precise application

➤ Smooth application

➤ Blends easily

➤ Vivid shades with complementary combinations

➤ Paraben-free

Why a two-tone lipstick?

You might be wondering: what is the point of a lipstick like this anyways? What will this do for me? Well – if you haven’t been caught by the ombré lip craze yet, there is no time like the present! 

Ombré is a practice of applying lip color in such a way that it looks like one color is blending or fading into the second color. Usually, this is done with one darker shade and one lighter shade to create a sort of faded look. But really – the possibilities are endless!

Close up of a woman's lips wearing the Flat Two-Tone lipstick in the shade Purple with Beige

When the darker shade is on the outside, as pictured above, it is designed to make the lips look fuller. If you reverse the colors so the darker shade is on the inside, you’d have a more Korean-style look known as “gradient lips”. This look is much more playful and cutesy, often giving the appearance of having stained the lips by eating a red popsicle.

With this new Avon two-tone lipstick, you can achieve either of these ombré lip looks quickly and easily – often with a single swipe! Plus, the dual color design takes the guesswork out of choosing colors that look great blended together. Each shade pairing was especially designed for the ombré look, so the colors are highly complementary.

What are the different shades of Flat Two-Tone Lipstick?

The Flat Two-Tone Lipstick comes in 6 different dual shades including Orange Meets Red, Purple With Beige, Pink Delight, Double Pink, Beige Effect, and Brown Effect.

shade chart showing different colors of Flat Two-Tone Lipstick

Now you have the full skinny on Avon’s new Flat Two-Tone lipstick. What do you think? Is this something you would try out for yourself? Let us know in the comments!

If you want a reminder when this product launches on Sept 16th, make sure to sign up for my email list using the form below.

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