Joining Avon to become a sales representative is a lot of fun. But if you’re a college student right now, chances are you haven’t heard much about the opportunity. I know I didn’t! As a lifelong fan of Avon’s products, I often think about how amazing it would have been if I had joined the company sooner. Hindsight is 20/20, right?
You don’t have to make the same mistakes I did! Below are the top 4 reasons that I wish I had joined Avon while still in school (AKA why you should definitely do it)! For the full deets about joining, click here.
#1 The Job Market is Challenging for New Graduates
Currently, the average college graduate spends about 7.4 months of school looking for a job. Not only that – according to a recent study, 41.5% of recent college graduates were underemployed in 2018. Though employment rates are improving, it’s still pretty darn tough out there!
With this in mind, joining Avon and building up your business before graduation could provide the ideal side hussle opportunity! Start up costs are low ($30, or sometimes less if Avon is running a promotion), there are no prerequisites, and time requirements are extremely flexible.

If you’re having a busy semester, you might focus on selling just to a few friends without having to worry about quotas. But if you have tons of free time, you could choose to spend that time working hard to find new customers. It’s all up to you!
Since building up a costumer base takes time, why not get a head start so that stream of income is already flowing when you graduate?
#2 The College Social Calendar is Ideal
Real talk – part of the college experience is going out and having fun! Parties, group dinners, and even house concerts will likely be on the agenda. Not to mention all those Instagram pre-party photos that you are already taking of you and your friends rockin’ that perfect shade of lip gloss! Take advantage of the fact that these gatherings are all around you, because they won’t be forever.

Social events like this are also a great opportunity to make some sales. At Avon, one of our tried and true sales methods is wear and sell. This time, when someone asks where you got your lip gloss you can slip them your business card. Joining Avon sure can be a great excuse to party! This is one customer-building opportunity that can’t be matched once graduation rolls around.
#3 You'll Be Ahead of the Wave
Avon is a company that has stood the test of time. Founded in 1886, Avon was selling lipsticks to women before they earned the right to vote! That doesn’t mean we are selling the same exact lipsticks nowadays, though. If there’s one thing Avon is good at, it’s adapting to modern trends.
Each generation before us has learned to embrace Avon, once the myth that we only sell “old lady” things gets debunked once again. Sooner or later, your peers will realize that Avon offers comparable products to the most on-trend brands – but at a fraction of the price.
It’s only a matter of time, so why not get ahead of the wave? Be the one to share it with your friends. And when everyone else your age starts asking about Avon, your business will already be in full swing!
#4 Personalized e-stores Make it Easy to Relocate
Not sure where you’ll end up after graduation? No problem! We live in a digital world, and Avon is keeping up. Each sales representative now gets a free, personalized e-store so your customers can order online. When your customers shop on your e-store, you earn the same commission that you would if they had ordered their merchandise from you in person.
As long as you move within the U.S., you can keep any customers that still want to buy from you! This can’t be said for most part-time jobs or side gigs that college students typically have.

So, what do you think? Are you ready to take the leap? Drop any questions you have in the comments below!